Game Audio Work



Sunset Overdrive (Release TBD 2014)

Currently recording, editing, and implementing audio for player footstep and character movement systems.



Murdered: Soul Suspect (Release TBD 2014)

Mixed localized DM&E stems for all cinematics in six languages.

Edited foley for cinematics.



Ascend: Hand of Kul (2013)

Designed audio for scripted events, breakable objects, slow-motion 'Finishers,' and all creature gib.

Implemented audio for all systems in Wwise and the developer's proprietary tools.



Project Spark (2013)

Designed sounds for numerous creature vocalizations/movements, physics objects, magic spells, world transformation scripted events/UI, and ambient one-shots.



Crimson Dragon (2013)

Designed all vocalizations for four of the six playable dragons.



Kinect Star Wars (2012)

Designed sounds for scripted events, NPC movements, physics objects, and ambiences across all game modes.

Implemented physics objects, particle effects, and all Jedi mode player and NPC movements.



Kinect Disneyland Adventures (2011)

Designed sound effects stems for in-game cinematics.



Halo CE: Anniversary (2011)

Re-mastered and re-designed assets for ambiences, positional objects, and scripted events.

Mixed all in-game cinematic music and effects stems.